reading out loud

Listen to the First Chapter of Changing the Play

I've always loved hearing stories read out loud. I'm sure it comes from Mum and Dad reading to me every night when I was a little kid, and even into adulthood I've never lost it. Audiobooks, podcasts, radio shows—I love all things audio. That's why, when my new Julia Blake book CHANGING THE PLAY came out earlier this week, I decided to do a little read aloud on Facebook Live!

On these videos, you'll hear me reading parts one and two of chapter one of my new sports romance. You'll also get a little insight into why I wrote the book.

If you want to keep reading, you can buy CHANGING THE PLAY from these fine ebook retailers:

Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | Nook | Google Play | Books-A-Million

Be sure to like my Facebook page, because I do a Facebook Live every Friday to talk about everything from new release news to the books I'm reading!