Now on NetGalley! THE LOST ENGLISH GIRL is available to request!

eARCs of The Lost English Girl are now available for review!

I’m really excited that FINALLY after a lot of waiting, I can now send out news that eARCs of my March 2023 release The Lost English Girl are now available for request!

My sister is a BookTuber, BookToker, and blogger so I’ve seen all of the hard work that goes into preparing blogs, BookTube, and Bookstagram, so I thought I would make it a little easier on you by sending along links to The Lost English Girl:

You can also reach out to my publicist, Jessica Roth at if you have questions or would like to book interviews or events.

If you also want to use the #TheLostEnglishGirl on social media to help spread the word, I’d really appreciate that! You can also tag me on these social media platforms so I can promote your posts!

Happy reading!

With love from London,
